The Society of Trustees and Estate Practitioners is a worldwide network of qualified professionals.
He who fails to plan is planning to fail.
Winston Churchill 1940
STEP is a unique network of more than 20,000 practitioners, recognised by employees, governments, regulators and clients across the world.
STEP gives access to technical resources that provide knowledge and skills that keep its members at the forefront of their professions, connecting members across the world, providing valuable opportunities for sharing of knowledge and collaboration on behalf of clients.
Planning for the financial well being of future generations is today more important than ever, as the wealthy are more mobile often choosing to live and own properties in different countries. The process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of an estate during a person’s life typically attempts to eliminate uncertainties over administration of a probate and maximise the value of the estate by reducing taxes and other expenses.
Failure to plan the effective transfer of wealth often results in costly legal battles over a deceased’s estate, which can easily be avoided by proper and effective estate planning.
However good the planning is, it is of little use if the premise on which the advice was given changes due to a dramatic change in circumstances. It is vital therefore that an ongoing relationship is maintained by the client and advisor to ensure that whatever is planned reflects any change in circumstances.
Professional standards
All STEP members are subject to an extensive Code of Professional Conduct, requiring them at all times to act with integrity and in a manner that inspires the confidence, respect and trust of their clients and of the wider community. Members are also required to keep up to date with the latest legal, technical and regulatory developments. Full members of STEP are entitled to place the letters ‘TEP’ (Trust and Estate Practitioner) after their name. The STEP Global network has branches in 100 countries.
Jeremy P.J. Blatch TEP is a full member of STEP